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The PPMA Show 2014 Makes its Triumphant Return to the NEC

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The PPMA Show 2014 Makes its Triumphant Return to the NEC

The PPMA Show 2014 Makes its Triumphant Return to the NEC
October 27
09:52 2014
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The PPMA Show 2014 reaffirmed its status as the UK’s premier free-to-attend complete production line event for processing and packaging machinery, as 8,190 visitors took to the NEC for its 27th show. Joining over 320 exhibitors, visitors arrived to discover the latest product launches, technological developments as well as insights from industry leaders such as Coca-Cola Enterprises, M&S, Tesco as well as the newly appointed Groceries Code Adjudicator.

Run over three days (30th September – 2nd October) the show once again benefited from the community atmosphere associated with the UK’s manufacturing industries, with exhibitors quick to praise the business and networking opportunities available at this year’s exhibition.

Speaking about this year’s exhibition, Alison Davies, Commercial Manager for PFM Packaging Machinery, said: “We’ve been extremely busy at this year’s show and it has been a great opportunity to secure new business. The PPMA Show is a great place to showcase PFM’s new innovations and to catch up with existing customers. For us, it has been a very fulfilling and worthwhile three days and we’re looking forward to exhibiting at next year’s show.”

Showcasing a Hotbed of Innovation

With a hotbed of innovation on display, visitors to the PPMA show were able to view the latest machinery from the world’s leading packaging and processing machinery manufacturers. For example, Festo, leading suppliers of pneumatic and electronic automation technology, revealed its latest concepts inspired by nature, including the new WaveHandler. The WaveHandler is a modular system that moves a surface in such a way that objects are transported and sorted purposefully. The conveyor consists of numerous bellows modules that deform the surface creating a wave motion that transports the object with in a targeted manner. The WaveHandling system behaves in a similar way: while each individual bellow advances and retracts in the same spot, a wave moves over the surface of the conveyor.

FANUCPPMAA number of exhibitors also launched their latest product lines at the show, including Holmach’s new whip tool, AeroQbo, as well as its refining tools, Bilia for the universal processing system, Qbo. The OAL Group’s Steam Infusion technology was also on show highlighting the revolutionary heating and mixing process that infuses steam into liquid food products in a vacuum. It was also awarded the accolade of most innovative processing machinery award at the PPMA Group Industry Awards.

The award-winning end-of-line automation specialist, Endoline Machinery presented its latest SMART range of machines including the UK debut of the 744 Fully Automatic Random Case, believed to the fastest of its kind in the world.

Also on show, Kliklok launched its Certiwrap ELITE wraparound cartoning system. Capable of improving functionality, repeatability and flexibility on the production line, the ELITE can be tailored to difference pack styles, sizes and formats and is capable of packaging at speeds up to 300 cartons per minute dependant on product size.

The 2014 One to Watch

Kliklok engineer, Dan Stamp was also the recipient of the gold title in the PPMA Show’s Ones to Watch competition which celebrates the contributions of those people under the age of 35 working in the processing and packaging industries.

Dan was awarded the title after the judges singled him out for the impact he has had both on the business, the wider industry as well as his continued enthusiasm and determination to succeed as a chartered engineer.

Dan said: “I’m over the moon to have been selected as the winner of the Ones to Watch competition. All of the finalists have impressive backgrounds and are a great example of young engineers in the industry today. I only hope we can be an inspiration to other young people considering a career in the engineering and manufacturing industries.”

Neil Fowell, Managing Director of Kliklok, said: “We are delighted that Dan has been recognised as a promising young engineer in the industry. We have no doubt that Dan will continue to be a valued member of the industry. Having just achieved his Masters, he is already looking ahead to achieving his chartered status, and we can’t wait to support him through this journey.”

PPMA2014The PPMA Show also boasted a seminar programme with insights from such industry leaders including Coca-Cola Enterprises, Groceries Code Adjudicator Christine Tacon, M&S, Tesco and Wykes Farm.

Taking to the stage on the first day, Christine Tacon, Groceries Code Adjudicator, led a combative talk on the UK’s leading supermarkets and took the opportunity to encourage manufacturers to share examples of supermarkets abusing their code of practice.

Speaking at the show, Christine commented: “I don’t want to interfere in your commercial relationships with retailers but if you know of a practice that is not only affecting you but is also likely to affect others – isn’t that a justification to tell me so that I can take action. Give me the tools and I can do the job.”

Peter Hopper, Production Manager for Wyke Farms added: “It’s very important for us to be present at the PPMA Show as we’re a family company who are keen to see the latest cutting edge technology that may well help us in our aim is to be one of the best in the industry. Events such as the PPMA Show are very important for the wider UK manufacturing scene and are often underutilised. If you manufacture you need to visit the PPMA Show to see what’s out there.”

Grant Collier, Head of Marketing at the PPMA Group, said: “With the PPMA Group taking the PPMA Show back in house it was important for us that this year’s show was a success. We are delighted with how the show went, the feedback we’ve gained from visitors and exhibitors alike and a renewed enthusiasm for the return of the PPMA show next year! In fact, the floor plan for PPMA 2015 is already filling up fast and we can’t wait to be back on the show floor.”

For more information on the PPMA Show 2015, please visit or join the conversation on twitter (@PPMAshow) or thePPMA Show LinkedIn group. You can also like us on Facebook by visiting the PPMA Show page.

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