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Stephen McIntyre Leaves Twitter

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Stephen McIntyre Leaves Twitter

June 16
12:57 2016
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alltwitter-twitter-bird-logo-white-on-blue_9Stephen McIntyre, managing director of Twitter in Ireland, announced that he is stepping down from his position. He plans to join Frontline Ventures, which is a new venture capital firm based in Dublin and London.

In his time as managing director, the Twitter headquarters in Dublin has risen from a staff of four to over 200.

McIntyre is being replaced by former CEO of Storyful and journalist of RTE, Mark Little. Little is currently the Vice-President of Media for Twitter in Europe and Africa. He began working with Twitter in December after leaving Storyful, which he sold to News Corp for €18m.

Little is set to take over the role as managing director on July 1st.

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