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Specialist Joinery Group moves to 100% green electricity through 3T Power partnership

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Specialist Joinery Group moves to 100% green electricity through 3T Power partnership

Specialist Joinery Group moves to 100% green electricity through 3T Power partnership
June 10
12:36 2020
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One of the UK and Ireland’s premiere joinery manufacturers, Specialist Joinery Group, has transitioned to a fully green electricity supply, exclusively generated within Northern Ireland, through a partnership with green energy innovators 3T Power. Through this partnership SJG have not only re-committed to their ‘green’ ethos but are also supporting independent electricity generators and the local economy. 


The confirmation of this renewable electricity supply contract partnership will enable the team at SJG to reduce the carbon output of its 145,000 square foot manufacturing facility by over 360,000kg per year whilst also ensuring long-term savings through the confirmation of a low-cost, secure energy tariff. Their partnership follows recommendations by the United Nations-UK’s Climate 2020 publication to ensure that the post-Covid-19 recovery is one that values green principles to ensure a more sustainable future and falls in line with the Department for the Economy’s objective to reach a net carbon goal of zero by 2050 as part of its new Energy Strategy for Northern Ireland.


Leaders in providing bespoke, affordable renewable energy solutions to local businesses, 3T Power has established a network of locally owned and operated renewable generators across Northern Ireland and harnesses the power of wind, rain, sun and waste to help local businesses including Beannchor Group, Galgorm, Choice Housing, and Smiley Monroe, meet their sustainability goals.


Established in 2017 by Shauna Forbes, Thomas Kelso and David McElrea, the team behind 3T Power have developed long-standing partnerships with local energy producers and corporate energy users which go beyond the traditional customer-supplier relationship due to their longstanding experience in the energy and renewables sectors in Northern Ireland where the team has been working as active innovators and developers in the sector for over two decades.


Known for their-quality delivery of high-end projects and their ethical approach to projects, SJG have worked with well-known brands across the UK and Ireland including Google, Estee Lauder, University College Dublin, Queen’s University Belfast, Bank of Ireland, and Aer Lingus amongst many others.


Discussing the confirmation of the partnership with 3T Power and SJG Shauna Forbes, Director, 3T Power said, “As the only electricity supply company in Northern Ireland dedicated to providing local businesses with 100% renewable electricity generated locally, we are delighted to act as the conduit between Specialist Joinery Group and our network of local renewable generators to ensure that the organisation not only meets its goals to become a more environmentally sustainable organisation but also supports the local economy by purchasing power produced by independent wind turbine operators.”


The long-term partnership between SJG and 3T Power has marked an important step in SJG’s company-wide strategy to protect the environment, which includes the use of renewable energy at its heart. Champions of sustainability, the 100-person business has also adopted usage of a woodwaste burner to utilise waste generated at the factory, installed a solar panel system which generates 50% of the facility’s electricity needs, and invested heavily in the planting of trees. Further plans for the organisation include incorporation of bee farming on-site, extension of the solar panel system, and similar woodwaste boiler systems implemented as other factories are developed.


Speaking on the company’s decision to partner with pioneering renewable energy supplier 3T Power Ciaran O’Hagan, Managing Director, Specialist Joinery Group, added: “At Specialist, we have a company-wide strategy to protect our environment.  With a strong farming background and a love of the land and of nature, it makes sense to translate this into business practice also.  The use of renewable energy has been at the heart of this strategy and the partnership with 3T closes the loop on all the environmental actions we have been taking to date in our environmental excellence plan.”


For more information on 3T Power’s offering follow 3T Power on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn or visit 



For more information or interview opportunities please contact Brittany Breslin (+44 (0) 7786 964 645 / at Impact Communications.


Notes to Editors


About 3T Power


3T Power is powering a greener, cleaner future for Northern Ireland business by supplying 100% renewable electricity, generated in Northern Ireland.


Awarded their supply license in 2017, 3T Power provides a welcome alternative to the large utility offerings through its ability to provide bespoke renewable energy solutions to corporate energy users with the added value of an excellent one-to-one service.


Passionate innovators in the Irish energy markets, 3T Power’s founders aim to inspire energy transformation away from the large, outdated forms of generation, towards a greener, cleaner, more sustainable future. The company has extended its renewable generation arm through to a full supply offering, providing the complete package from planning through to PPA offtaker to offer affordable renewable energy to Northern Irish consumers.


Directors of 3T Power include Shauna Forbes, Thomas Kelso, and David McElrea. Shauna Forbes’s experience within the sector includes over 20 years in energy and 10 years’ experience in the electricity markets across the Island of Ireland. She is also a Qualified Chartered Accountant. With backgrounds in engineering, Thomas Kelso and David McElrea have been at the forefront of developing renewable generation assets across Northern Ireland for over a decade.


3T Power supplies renewable electricity to a range of Northern Irish businesses including: Beannchor Group, Galgorm, and Choice Housing, among others.

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