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New US Advisory Board launched to support Northern Ireland’s Life & Health Sciences Sector

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New US Advisory Board launched to support Northern Ireland’s Life & Health Sciences Sector

New US Advisory Board launched to support Northern Ireland’s Life & Health Sciences Sector
October 04
10:41 2023
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Joe Kennedy III, the US Special Envoy to Northern Ireland for Economic Affairs, has commended the launch of a new US Life & Health Sciences Advisory Board that aims to strengthen trade and investment opportunities between Northern Ireland’s Life & Health Sciences sector and the sector in the US.  The Board comprises leaders from across the Life & Health Sciences sector in the US and was brought together by Invest Northern Ireland and NI Connections, Northern Ireland’s diaspora outreach initiative. They identified influential professionals from the Northern Ireland diaspora who could offer significant expertise and insight and help drive the growth of the sector.

Announcing the new Board Joe Kennedy said: “I am delighted to offer my support to the Life & Health Sciences Advisory Board, which offers a unique opportunity for Northern Ireland companies to benefit from the knowledge and experience of some of the top professionals in the sector.

“The US is the largest export market for Northern Ireland Life & Health Sciences companies, so it makes sense to nurture relationships between the two regions and promote mutually beneficial opportunities.”

The advisory board’s executives, many of whom are global leaders in their field of expertise, include Belfast-born Mark Goldstone. Mark, who will Chair the Board, epitomises the expertise and goodwill of strategic Northern Irish diaspora. He said: “The combined industry knowledge and experience of the board members make it a powerful instrument for advancing the sector and the Northern Ireland economy by championing Northern Ireland’s significant Life & Health Sciences capabilities. The Board is passionate about promoting Northern Ireland as a great investment location and a centre of innovation excellence.”

The new advisory board will help position the Northern Ireland Life & Health Sciences sector as world leading, promote collaboration between companies here and in the US and highlight investment opportunities.

Mel Chittock, Invest NI’s Interim CEO, commented: “Northern Ireland’s Life & Health Sciences sector has experienced rapid growth in recent years fuelled by our world-renowned expertise in precision medicine, digital health and medical devices.  The board members have built impressive careers spanning many years and this experience combined with their knowledge and their connections will be of significant value to our life sciences sector. The Board will inform our Life and Health Sciences international strategy, which is aligned to the Department for the Economy’s 10X Vision.”

NI Connections has built an extensive network of global diaspora contacts who have an interest in the Northern Ireland economy and the potential to positively impact its prosperity.

Moira Loughran, NI Connections, said: “The diaspora has the potential to play a key role in the Department for Economy’s 10X vision. We are immensely fortunate that board members have committed their time to this exciting opportunity for Northern Ireland. Their motivation to participate is based entirely on a desire to share their extensive experience with a view to advancing the growth of the sector, thereby ‘giving back’ to Northern Ireland and the NI economy.”


Pictured are members of the new Life & Health Sciences Advisory Board with Joe Kennedy III, US Special Envoy to Northern Ireland for Economic Affairs; Mel Chittock, Interim CEO, Invest Northern Ireland; and Jayne Brady, Head of the Northern Ireland Civil Service.

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