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MedinIreland 2015 highlights- Ireland’s medtech evolution

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MedinIreland 2015 highlights- Ireland’s medtech evolution

October 29
16:38 2015
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An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD, Eadaoin Ledwidge, Connexicon Medical and 5 year old Tara Burns helping to demonstrate Connexicon’s topical Tissue Adhesive with Terence O’Rourke, Chairman, Enterprise Ireland and Julie Sinnamon, CEO, Enterprise Ireland

The Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD, today opened Enterprise Ireland’s showcase for medical device and diagnostic products, MedinIreland 2015. The biennial event, being held at the Convention Centre in Dublin, highlights the dynamic growth and expansion of the sector over the last two decades.

Over 300 senior international buyers and decision makers from medical technology companies, including companies representing 50% of the world’s medtech purchasing power, ateended the event. Reflecting the growing global reach of the Irish medtech sector, this year buyers returning from the UK, Germany, Middle East, Russia, Asia and the USA will be joined for the first time by buyers from Burma and Vietnam.

Recognised as a major centre of excellence in the medical technologies sector, Ireland’s medtech cluster is on par with other world leading medtech clusters, such as those in Massachusetts and Minnesota in the USA. From a small sub-supply manufacturing base, Ireland’s medtech industry has evolved into a sector with globally recognised world-class capabilities in research and innovation, a flourishing indigenous base, and is host to 17 of the top 25 global medtech firms.

Opening the conference the Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD said: “The Irish medtech sector has shown truly impressive growth over the last two decades. MedinIreland 2015 highlights the evolution of a sector, which barely existed in Ireland 20 years ago. From small beginnings, Ireland now has over 350 medtech firms, 60% of which are indigenous. They employ 25,000 people and their exports, currently around €8.5bn a year, represent a tenth of Ireland’s total goods exports. Ireland is now Europe’s second largest exporter of medtech products after Germany.”

Julie Sinnamon, CEO Enterprise Ireland, welcomed the 800 guests saying “20 years ago a small number of innovative Irish companies looked to the future and, very astutely, set about building what has evolved into the world class Irish medtech hub we have today. This year’s conference theme, “The Changing World of Medtech”, is about lookingto the next chapter in the global medtech space and we are excited about the role that Irish companies will play within that.”

MedinIreland attracted global sector experts and key opinion leading clinicians and researchers from major global healthcare systems who are interested in developing strategic relationships with Irish companies exhibiting at the event.

Exploring the theme of “The Changing World of Medtech”, participants had the opportunity to hear directly from key industry influencers from Johnson & Johnson, Sorin, Thomas Jefferson University and Jefferson Health, and Medtronic.

Networking is a priority for participants at MedinIreland. The event gave visitors the opportunity to learn at first-hand about the exciting innovations being pioneered by Irish medtech companies.


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