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€3.5M govt fund to support community health projects

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€3.5M govt fund to support community health projects

€3.5M govt fund to support community health projects
August 07
09:00 2017
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The Minister for Health, Simon Harris TD has welcomed the recent announcement from the Department of Rural and Community Development of the approval of the 2017 Dormant Accounts Action Plan. Additional funding of up to €3.46 million is being made available to the Department of Health in the period 2017-2019 to support a range of health projects. These projects will assist refugees, transgender persons, Travellers, Roma, people with dementia and older people. (Details of the health-related measures that will be supported by Dormant Accounts funding are included in the Notes for Editors below.)

The allocations have been welcomed by Minister Simon Harris, Minister Catherine Byrne and Minister Jim Daly.

Minister Harris said: “Over the next three years over €3 million in additional funding will be targeted at health projects to support people who are sometimes left behind by society and are at higher risk of serious medical conditions, isolation, psychiatric illnesses and substance use disorders. I am very pleased the Government is able to fund these measures which are expected to contribute to improved health outcomes for the people in these target groups.”

Minister Byrne added, “The additional funding allocated for measures to support Travellers, Roma, refugees and transgender persons will not only improve health outcomes but also help foster greater community participation and inclusiveness in society.”

Minister Daly welcomed the focus on older people and people with dementia, noting that “people with dementia and their carers are often isolated and marginalised, and the measures approved in this Action Plan will put in place a number of supports to enable people diagnosed with dementia to live well in their communities for as long as possible.”

The Department of Health will ensure that the necessary arrangements are now put in place to commence implementation of the measures approved in the Dormant Accounts Action Plan.

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