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Dublin Airport to invest €320m on new runway

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Dublin Airport to invest €320m on new runway

April 07
11:40 2016
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imagesThe DAA has confirmed that it plans to construct a new parallel runway at Dublin Airport. Dublin Airport is to invest €320m on the project.

The 3,110 metre runway will be built 1.6km north of the existing main runway and is expected to be delivered in 2020.

The total cost will include the new runway itself as well as ancillary facilities

The airport received planning permission in August 2007 to build a new runway, but the plans were put on hold due to the economic downturn and a fall in passenger numbers.

However, today’s move had been expected after passenger numbers hit a record 25 million last year, beating the previous record of 23 million set in 2008.

DAA chief executive Kevin Toland said, “Passenger numbers continue to grow strongly in 2016 with double digit growth recorded in the first two months of this year.”

“We are progressing our plans to deliver the new runway in accordance with the development and pathway for growth outlined in the Government’s National Aviation Policy (NAP). Dublin Airport’s North Runway will significantly improve Ireland’s connectivity supporting trade, foreign direct investment and tourism,” he added.

Dublin Airport’s North Runway development has the potential to open up connectivity to a range of long-haul destinations, particularly in fast growing economies in Asia, Africa and South America, according to the DAA. The delivery of a new runway could support a further 31,000 new jobs over the next two decades, contributing €2.2bn to GDP.

There are expectations that the airport may increase passenger charges to help pay for the new runway.

The Commission for Aviation Regulation capped passenger charges at Dublin at €9.87 for 2016, but has ruled that if passenger numbers reach 25 million, the airport can pass on the cost of building the runway to customers.

The proposed new runway has featured in successive Local Area and County Development Plans since the 1970s.

The daa said that as a result of years of careful planning, land for the development was safeguarded over 40 years ago, so the runway will be delivered within the airport’s existing land bank.





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