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Dawn Farms Chief Elected President of IBEC

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Dawn Farms Chief Elected President of IBEC

Dawn Farms Chief Elected President of IBEC
October 07
11:10 2014
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Larry Murrin, chief executive of Dawn Farm Foods, has been elected president of the Irish Business and Employers Confederation (IBEC), the national voice of business in Ireland. He is the first person from the Irish food industry to hold the position.

Dawn Farms, which also wholly owns the Northampton-based cooked ingredients company TMI Foods, is one of one of the leading fully cooked and fermented meat ingredient companies in Europe serving an extensive range of blue chip customers in the foodservice and food manufacturing sectors.

DawnFarmFoodsLarryMurrinResizedLarry Murrin is a former chairman of IBEC’s Food and Drink Industry Ireland, and has been a member of Bord Bia, the Irish Food Board, since its inception.

Larry Murrin comments: “One of the silver linings of recent tough times is that the food sector has emerged from the shadows and is at last being recognised for the contribution it makes to our economy. While conscious of my role as representing all of Irish business, one of my goals in office will be to push for continued investment by the state to ensure a positive policy environment to allow my ‘home’ sector reach its full potential.”

As the national voice of business in Ireland, IBEC represents the interests of business throughout the republic, providing a wide range of direct services to its 7,500 member companies.

Established in 1985, Dawn Farms employs almost 900 people across its three production plants in Ireland and the UK, exporting to over 40 countries worldwide.

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