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Danone Launches New Global Campaign to Revitalise Activia Brand

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Danone Launches New Global Campaign to Revitalise Activia Brand

Danone Launches New Global Campaign to Revitalise Activia Brand
March 18
10:19 2014
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Danone has launched its largest ever dairy advertising campaign in a bid to revive global sales growth in its Activia yoghurt brand. The French dairy products group is joining forces with Columbian-born pop star Shakira, who heads the new ‘Dare to Feel Good’ campaign

The international collaboration will bring to life Activia’s ‘Feeling Good Starts from Within’ initiative with a new dance-themed creative that celebrates making inner health and well-being.

In the past, Activia advertising has promoted the product’s specific digestive health claims but these are not permissible in certain countries. For example, in Switzerland, Danone highlights that the ‘probiotic’ cultures in Activia ‘contribute to digestive comfort by reducing transit time and bloating’ but such claims can not be used in EU countries.

Filmed in Barcelona, the new TV advertisement features Shakira in a fantasy forest where she is showered with swirls of gold stardust and is seen dancing to express how good she feels inside. Shakira comments: “I believe that taking care of your inner health is the key to personal well-being and dance is one way to communicate that synergy of feeling good within and without.”

“For the first time we are using a global celebrity so we aim to have a global impact,” explains Santiago Mier, the chief marketing officer of Danone Dairy. “It’s different also in the way we communicate with people, in a more modern and updated way.”

Shakira’s new song ‘Dare (La La La)’- included on her brand new album named “Shakira”, launching on March 25th 2014 – provides the soundtrack to the TV commercial. Developed by Vinizius Young & Rubicam Barcelona, the advertisement forms the central piece within Activia’s first ever integrated global communication campaign. Directed by the acclaimed photographer and director, Jaume de Laiguana, the commercial’s renowned production team also included Oscar winning art director Eugenio Caballero and award winning Javier Aguirresarobe.

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