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CSO to employ 4,600 for census 2016

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CSO to employ 4,600 for census 2016

CSO to employ 4,600 for census 2016
January 05
16:44 2016
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The Central Statistics Office is looking for people to distribute and collect forms for this year’s census which will take place in April. The recruitment of more than 4,600 begins this morning.

The temporary positions are part-time.

Enumerators can expect to earn about €2,400 over the 10 week period.

Deirdre Cullen from the CSO said: “The type of skills we are looking for is a mix of what we call hard and soft skills. So we are looking for people who can represent the CSO, be the public face of the CSO, hand deliver forms to householders, assist householders who have any questions.

But also people who can follow instructions, read maps, do summarisations of the number of houses in their area at the end of the day”.

The online application process is open from 9am this morning until this Friday the 8th of January, or when the number of applicants reached 15,000. The successful applicants will be required to hand out forms ahead of this year’s census, which takes place on the 24th of April.

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