Busch Vacuum Solutions reveals state-of-the-art products

Busch Vacuum Solutions is committed to developing vacuum pumps and centralized vacuum supply systems that operate with the highest possible levels of energy efficiency, enabling customers in all industry sectors to benefit from lower energy consumption and reduced production costs. All manufacturing sites of Busch use the latest manufacturing techniques, machinery and equipment. The quality management procedures surpass DIN EN ISO 9001 requirements and offer all necessary certifications to meet the specific requirements of all clients.
Especially the proven R5 vacuum series by Busch, with more than 3 million pumps in operation worldwide, is proven and reliable for countless vacuum applications. The robustness and operational reliability of oil-lubricated R5 rotary vane vacuum pumps have long made them the industry standard. Every day over 3 million R5 vacuum pumps worldwide provide dependable service under the harshest industrial conditions. Rotary vane technology has been continuously developed and optimized by Busch over the decades, with the emphasis on operational reliability and efficiency. R5 rotary vane vacuum pumps are known throughout the industry for their modern and energy-efficient vacuum generation, in a wide range of applications. These compact R5 vacuum pumps owe their robustness to proven rotary vane technology with recirculating oil lubrication. This guarantees a consistently high vacuum level which can cope with the toughest operating conditions. When fitted with a gas-ballast valve, vapours can be pumped without condensation.
With Busch Genuine VSD Retrofit Kits it is even possible to boost the performance and efficiency for R5 rotary vane vacuum pumps. By retrofitting a variable speed drive existing vacuum pumps can be operated up to 40% more efficient. The adjustment of the pumping speed to the required level via frequency control brings more flexibility to the process. Even the performance of the pump can be improved with an increased pumping speed by 20% up to 750 m3/h. By retrofitting the existing vacuum pump the customer has an economical solution because there’s no need to change the whole vacuum pump and no extra control cabinet necessary. The installation is easy and electrical and mechanical components can be directly connected. Busch offers different retrofitting kits to upgrade the R5 vacuum pump to maximum efficiency. To maximize their effectiveness, such a retrofit requires a detailed understanding of both the vacuum solution and each customer’s production process, to find the right custom solution for each situation. The vacuum experts of Busch can analyze the process together with the customer and then give advice how to upgrade the performance and efficiency of the vacuum pump.
With its new R5 RA 0760 A PLUS, Busch recently introduced a pioneering rotary vane vacuum pump to the market, suitable for many industrial applications. Able to run at constant speed or with pressure control, it is exceptionally energy-efficient. Acting either as the sole vacuum pump or as a vacuum module in a central vacuum supply, the R5 PLUS makes sure a specified pumping speed is maintained at a prescribed rotational speed. It can also accurately sustain the required vacuum level, regardless of how the process conditions change. Thanks to its variable speed drive, the vacuum pump covers a pumping speed range from 440 to 760 cubic meters per hour and reaches an ultimate pressure of 0.1 millibar. All operating data is constantly recorded and saved. This data can be accessed directly on the built-in display or transferred via a Modbus TCP/IP client/server protocol. As a result, the vacuum pump can also be controlled remotely from a PC. Busch’s new vacuum pump is thus ready for Industry 4.0.