Bruker Optics – FT-NIR Solutions for Food Quality and Safety

Bruker Optics’ FT-NIR spectrometers are widely used in all areas of the food industry, like dairy, meat and edible oil manufacturing. The main applications are the identification and quantification of raw materials, in-process control, and the QA/QC finished products. Bruker Optics offers a range of FT-NIR analyzers for off-line measurements in the laboratory, at-line analysis close to the production or in-line directly in the process.
FT-NIR For a Wide Range of Applications
FT-NIR spectrometers from Bruker can cover a wide range of applications in food analysis, including not only dairy, oil and meat applications but also flour & milling, confectionery, condiments and beverages. Dedicated sampling accessories are available for any type of liquid, powdered, semi-solid or solid sample. Any person in production or in the lab is able to perform an analysis, since there is no sample preparation necessary. Starter calibrations allow a quick and easy implementation of FT-NIR technology. The fast measurement and the simultaneous determination of multiple parameters allow analyzing much more samples in a given time, leading to a better quality product at lower cost.
FT-NIR Solutions for the Dairy Industry including Raw Milk Analysis
Bruker Optics offers in combination with the well-known MPA FT-NIR spectrometer a software assisted analysis for milk and liquid dairy products. The Liquid Sampling Module (LSM) is dual use: It pumps and homogenizes raw milk samples, but can also bypass the homogenizer for other liquid sample types. It can handle sample forms from whey to more complex and viscous samples like concentrates, condensed milk and ice cream premixes. With its automated cleaning options, it is ideal for routine use in the dairy lab.
With the combination of the LSM and MPA, all different sample forms like liquids, pastes or powders can be analyzed with the same instrument. A set of pre-calibrations is available for a quick and efficient start.