BIM4Analysis 2017 Webinar

The IES team will hold the next instalment of their IES Faculty BIM webinar series on Thursday 2nd February 2017. They’ll share the latest updates on their BIM4Analysis strategy, as well as their interoperability development work, helping you improve Revit to IES data exchange and enhance your BIM workflow with analysis. They also plan to provide a sneak peek at their soon to be released IESVE BIM Navigator.
The IES team willprovide an introduction and overview of Digitisation of Construction (BIM) in 2017 and look at the importance of analysis and performance from Design through to Operation.
The webinar fives an opportunity to get detailed insight into the capabilities of the new IESVE BIM Navigator, available in the soon to be released VE 2017. The IESVE BIM navigator will guide you through successful import of BIM models into the VE, allowing for the execution of essential energy and performance simulations throughout the design process. This is achieved via a step by step guide through the process, highlighting key points to consider and where you can improve the originating BIM model to create a cleaner import of information. The Navigator is invaluable for both beginners and advanced users.
They will demonstrate advanced integration of IESVE with Revit, showcasing all the import features and running through the necessary steps to build up to an energy simulation. We’ll also cover the exchange of information parameters between the VE and Revit using import/export tools for exchanging loads data.
You can catch up on previous BIM Faculty sessions on theIESVE You Tube channel.
IESVE users, Engineers, Architects, Contractors, BIM specialists and anyone in the building and architectural community interested in sustainable design are encouraged to attend.
Please pass an invite to any of your colleagues who may be interested in attending.
Details for the webinar are below are below:
Date: Thursday, 2nd February 2017
Time: 10:00 – 12:00 (GMT) Online via GoToWebinar
Cost: FREE
10:00 Welcome & Introduction
10:10 Digitisation of Construction in 2017 and the role of IESVE
10:30 Demonstration of the new IESVE BIM
Navigator and its benefits
11:00 Integration of IES with Revit
11:20 Q&A & Roundup
12:00 Finish