Manufacturing & Supply Chain

A New Supercomputer is Created in Ireland

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A New Supercomputer is Created in Ireland

June 23
10:07 2016
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irishlist-300x232 (1)Ireland has a new fastest supercomputer, owned by an unnamed software company. The computer was made by Hewlett-Packard and it runs at about 365.9 Teraflops per second.

The company is also in possession of the second and third fastest supercomputers in Ireland which both run at 307 Teraflops per second.

These computers have a performing capacity and power that equals about 20,000 average laptops.

According to those responsible for compiling the list of the top supercomputers, the combined power of  the top three computers has exceeded the Petaflops threshold that runs at 1.42 Petaflops per second

In Ireland the Supercomputing list is compiled by independent researchers with representatives from industry and academia. These computers are used in Ireland by academic institutions as well as several companies  that work in data processing and software development,t as well as weather forecasting.

On a global scale, these computers hold slots at 357, 453, and 454 out of 500. But Ireland is now number two in the world that has the most supercomputers per capita and number 11 in the terms of computing capacity.

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