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Have Your Say on Skillnet Ireland Strategy

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Have Your Say on Skillnet Ireland Strategy

Have Your Say on Skillnet Ireland Strategy
June 17
10:04 2019
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Skillnet Ireland is urging employers, employees, industry groups, regional groups, the general public and all interested parties to have their say in informing its new Statement of Strategy 2020-2024This new strategy will seek to articulate a vision for Ireland’s Workforce Development and set out strategic goals and targets for Skillnet Ireland.

Skillnet Ireland is the national agency responsible for the promotion and facilitation of workforce learning and supported more than 16,000 organisations last year, providing enterprise-led training to more than 56,000 people.

“The purpose of this new strategy is to ensure that Ireland maintains a highly skilled workforce and that businesses across the country have the skills they need to thrive,” said Brendan McGinty, Skillnet Ireland Chairperson.

“Workplaces are transforming at an unprecedented pace. Upskilling and lifelong learning has never been more important in helping companies and employees adapt to an increasingly complex digital world. We are committing ourselves to more ambitious actions in meeting Irelands workforce challenges. Delivering upon this next strategy will not only support future economic development but will bring concrete results to employees and enterprise at regional and sectoral level. We’re calling on all stakeholders to engage in the Strategy Consultation and have their say on the three strategic themes upon which the Statement of Strategy 2020-2024 will be framed,”  he added.

Skillnet Ireland helps keep enterprise ahead of the curve, building capacity at a sectoral and regional level through its over 67 enterprise-led networks. With skills shortages, and challenges in attracting and retaining talent, the need to have the right people, with the right skills, in the right roles, at the right time is more critical now than ever across the economy. Skillnet Ireland has a track record in responding quickly to skills supply challenges by nurturing enterprise-led responses to skills gaps.

This includes a capacity to design new, innovative programmes targeted to meet specific future skills areas. For example, in recent years, Skillnet Ireland has developed industry-led accredited programmes in blockchain, artificial intelligence, animation, fintech, cyber security, medical technologies, aviation finance areas. Facilitating these innovative collaborations between industry, higher education, and training providers remains vital if we are to meet labour demands and equip the workforce with 21st century skills.

This consultation process will include extensive data gathering, surveys, one to one interviews and workshops. Following an analysis and review of feedback from the consultation process, together with Skillnet Ireland’s own research, the new Statement of Strategy 2020-2024 will be launched in November 2019.

How to get involved?
Skillnet Ireland is inviting submissions in relation to its new Statement of Strategy 2020-2024. The closing date for submissions is 5pm, Tuesday, 6 August 2019. Full details are available on our website

Submissions can also be emailed to: or sent in writing to: Statement of Strategy, Skillnet Ireland, Q House, 76 Furze Road, Sandyford, Dublin 18.

Please note that in the interests of transparency, written submissions received may be publicly posted on Skillnet Ireland’s website after Tuesday, 6 August 2019. All submissions received will be acknowledged.


Pictured (L-R): Brendan McGinty, Chairperson of Skillnet Ireland, and Paul Healy, Chief Executive of Skillnet Ireland.

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