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Traceability – How to Have Your Cake and Eat It

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Traceability – How to Have Your Cake and Eat It

Traceability – How to Have Your Cake and Eat It
February 02
13:01 2017
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“Implementing a traceability system is not an expense. The benefits of traceability should outweigh the cost of implementation,” according to Denis O’Brien, Director of Standards and Solutions at GS1 Ireland.

GS1 global standards are the most widely used supply chain standards in the world. Over 2 million organisations across the globe currently use GS1 Standards to identify, capture and share information about their products, services, locations and assets. GS1 is a not-for-profit organisation and has over 3,000 members in Ireland.

Denis O’Brien was a keynote speaker at the recent National Manufacturing & Supply Chain Conference & Exhibition, which was held at the Citywest Hotel, Dublin.

Entitled ‘Traceability – how to have your cake and eat it’, his presentation outlined how a well-planned system can deliver not only efficiency gains for any business, but most critically save money and contribute to profitability. “By taking a systematic approach you can save money while simultaneously meeting your traceability obligations,” he pointed out.

An accredited ‘Global Traceability Conformance’ Auditor and Auditor trainer, Denis O’Brien specialises in the design, development and implementation of production, inventory and warehouse management systems with a particular emphasis on traceability. He also provides expert consultancy on all aspects of software development and implementation for a wide range of clients including government bodies, multi-nationals and SMEs in many sectors including food, healthcare and logistics.

The installation of an effective traceability system has many benefits for a business such as faster and cheaper regulatory compliance, enhanced product quality and improved on-shelf availability, which can result in new and expanded markets and customers.

However, implementing a traceability system can be complex and there are several pitfalls to avoid. “Investing in traceability is a good business decision,” he said. “You can’t buy a traceability system as if it is a photocopier. It has to be embedded in the business.”

Major errors made by some businesses during implementation include a failure to engage or consult shopfloor staff and having unrealistic expectations.

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