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40% Think Irish Government Not Doing Enough to Protect Ireland From Impact of Brexit

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40% Think Irish Government Not Doing Enough to Protect Ireland From Impact of Brexit

40% Think Irish Government Not Doing Enough to Protect Ireland From Impact of Brexit
March 20
09:00 2018
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Brexit is coming closer and still a lot of questions remain unanswered. People are insecure not only about their own future but also the economic future of Ireland. iReach Insights conducted a nationally representative survey and 1,000 adults were asked about their opinion about the Brexit, it’s potential impact and what Irish people would do, if they had a say in the referendum.
35% of adults in Ireland think there will be a significant downturn in the Irish economy after Brexit. Interestingly, more men (40%) than women (30%) share this opinion. In total, another 35% think it is to early to say at this stage. Furthermore, 37% of people in Ireland think that the EU will become weaker without the United Kingdom as a member.
Besides the Brexit topic, the TOP 3 biggest problems the EU should solve in the years ahead are: 1. Refugee Crisis (67%), 2. Poverty (55%) and 3. Unemployment (47%).
38% think that the UK is strong enough to remain economically competitive and successful without the rest of Europe. Nonetheless, 3 out of 4 (75%) believe if a referendum were to be held in the UK again about Britain leaving the EU, they would vote to stay this time. Only 13% think they would vote to leave again.
Surprisingly, although Ireland is probably the country most affected by Brexit, the majority (58%) of people living in Ireland think the ROI shouldn’t have had the opportunity to vote in the Brexit referendum. 25% state yes and 17% are unsure about it.
When it comes to Britain’s Exit, almost the half (48%) of people in Ireland do not agree with Theresa May’s plan for an “immediate break with the EU after Brexit” [= the plan to diverge from EU regulation immediately after Brexit]. Although one in five (20%) does agree with this plan.
48% of adults in Ireland think that the Brexit will have more negative than positive or equivalent negative and positive impact on the economy in the ROI. In addition, a third (34%) think the Brexit won’t result in creating more jobs for the ROI. Most importantly, 40% state that they do not feel that the Irish government is doing enough to protect Ireland from the potential future impact of the Brexit. Almost the same amount of people (39%) are unsure and only 21% feel the Irish government is doing enough.
Brexit and it’s impact on Ireland and the EU will probably remain in a state of uncertainty for the near future, so Ireland should try to make the best out of this situation and focus on positive possibilities. On the positive side of things, the majority (59%) think that the ROI will have a competitive advantage in luring more multinational giants from UK because of it’s low tax rates and well-educated, English speaking workforce.
Above all, 37% hope that a united Ireland is one of the positives of the Brexit [37% neither agree/disagree; 26% disagree]. If that wouldn’t be a wonderful result out of all this chaos.

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